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BVH 09
Sido Muncul 5's Betel Sour Turmeric Drink - Reduces Body Odor Sido Muncul Turmeric and Betel Sour Drink is a traditional Indonesian drink which is useful for helping reduce body odor, keeping the body slim and making the body healthy. Betel as an antiseptic is good to drink before and during menstruation. Composition: Turmeric, Tamarind, Betel, Honey, Sugar, Salt, Citric Acid. Benefits: Helps reduce body odor, keeps the body slim, and makes the body healthy
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BVH 08
AMH Super Red Ginger is Red Ginger which is enriched with Habbatussauda, Ginseng, Honey and other herbal ingredients, it is a complete herbal solution and its quality is guaranteed to maintain your body's immune system so that it remains healthy and free from disease. Habbatussauda is believed to be a herbal concoction that can cure various diseases. Drink AMH every day in the morning, afternoon and evening to maintain and increase the body's resistance to avoid virus attacks. The price listed is the price for 1 plan containing 10 sachets Start your day with AMH Super Red Ginger, God willing, you can work and worship optimally today. Herbal ingredients in AMH Super Red Ginger: Red Ginger, Habbatussauda, Ginseng, Honey, Mahkota Dewa, and Secang. Serving Suggestions: - Pour the contents of the sachet into 150 ml of hot water - Mix well - AMH Super Red Ginger is ready to be served - Drink regularly every morning, afternoon and evening to increase body endurance
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BVH 07
Coconut Island Drinks is Ready to Drink , drink with premium quality, practical with various variants, with a unique taste combination, refreshing and rich in Vitamin-C. Coconut Island Drinks Lemon Honey Ginger, made from Lemon, Honey, Ginger, Lemongrass and Vitamin C. Can boost the immune system, help detoxify, prevent colds and flu and can lower blood pressure Ingredients : Lemon Honey Ginger Lemongrass Vitamin C Health Benefit : - Rich in Vitamin C - Helps Detoxification - Prevent Cold & Flu - Increase metabolism - Maintain Body immunity Product of Indonesia
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BVH 06
Acaraki Golden Sparkling is a new innovation of refreshing herbal drink. This drink is made from turmeric combined with fresh tamarind and soda. Natural ingredients produced directly from organic plantations with guaranteed quality. Packaged in cans, you can drink this drink anywhere. With the natural ingredients contained in it, feel the freshness and benefits in every can! MUI Halal Certification No. 00120035580705 Net : 320 Gram
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BVH 05
1 x Sido Muncul Minuman Jahe Wangi 5's - Membantu Menghangatkan Badan Sido Muncul Minuman Jahe Wang merupakan jamu yang terbuat dari jahe bakar asli, sehingga menghasilkan aroma dan rasa yang nikmat. Minuman yang paling pas disajikan hangat. Komposisi: Jahe (Zingiber officinale), sereh (cymbopogon citratus), lada putih (piper nigrum), daun pandan, cengkeh. Manfaat: Menjaga kesehatan dan kehangatan tubuh. Perhatian: Baca aturan konsumsi/pemakaian yang tertera pada kemasan produk. No BPOM : BPOM RI MD 270211013039
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BVH 03
Deskripsi: Kunyit Asam merupakan minuman tradisional Indonesia yang bermanfaat untuk menurunkan berat badan dan memperlancar haid. Dikemas dalam bentuk sachet berisi serbuk. Nikmat diminum hangat maupun dingin. Komposisi: Tiap sachet mengandung Kunyit, Asam, Jahe Dosis: Diseduh dengan ± 150 ml air hangat atau dingin Indikasi: Membantu memperlancar datang bulan, mengurangi bau tak sedap, dan menyegarkan badan Perhatian Khusus: - Kemasan: Dus, 5 Sachet
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BVH 02 A
KIRANTI Minuman Herbal 150ML Kiranti Sehat Datang Bulan ,kiranti ini memiliki kandungan Curcumae Domesticae Rhizoma dengan Curcumin bisa menolong memperlancar haid serta menangani beragam jenis masalah sepanjang anda dalam masa haid seperti rasa nyeri, keputihan, serta bau tubuh dengan efisien. KIRANTI PEGAL LINU (120 ML)Dikonsumsi oleh Wanita dewasaKiranti Pegal Linu Minuman Kesehatan [120 mL] merupakan minuman dengan bahan utama jahe pilihan plus madu berkhasiat mengatasi pegal linu meringankan sakit pada persedian dan menghangatkan tubuh, minum pada saat atau setelah beraktivitas. Fitur Produk :Minuman kesehatanDengan bahan utama jahe pilihan plus madu Berkhasiat mengatasi pegal linu meringankan sakit pada persedian dan menghangatkan tubuh Sudah memiliki sertifikasi HALAL dari MUI Melalui proses pateurisasi sehingga tetap tahan lama meskipun tanpa bahan pengawet
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