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BVH 09

Sido Muncul 5's Betel Sour Turmeric Drink - Reduces Body Odor Sido Muncul Turmeric and Betel Sour Drink is a traditional Indonesian drink which is useful for helping reduce body odor, keeping the body slim and making the body healthy. Betel as an antiseptic is good to drink before and during menstruation. Composition: Turmeric, Tamarind, Betel, Honey, Sugar, Salt, Citric Acid. Benefits: Helps reduce body odor, keeps the body slim, and makes the body healthy

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150



BVT 15

Tehbotol SOSRO The Less Sugar Drink 350 ml is a packaged jasmine tea drink. Made with basic ingredients using selected green tea leaves and quality types of jasmine flowers, which are hygienically processed using modern technology. It has a distinctive taste and aroma, a combination of green tea leaves and jasmine flowers, which is calming and refreshing. It has a smaller amount of sugar, so the drink doesn't taste too sweet. With a strong tea concentrate , it still feels light on the throat. Can help refresh and quench thirst, especially in hot weather. It will be more delicious if drunk cold. Packaged in 350 ml PET plastic bottles. Immediately quench your thirst with Tehbotol SOSRO The Less Sugar Drink 350 ml

Sold 2 items

฿150 ฿150



BVT 12

Tehbotol Sosro only uses original and natural raw materials. The tea leaves are picked from the plantation itself, then processed into fragrant tea, namely green tea mixed with jasmine and gambier flowers to produce a unique taste. Its uniqueness is always maintained and its quality is guaranteed. Tea-flavored ready-to-drink drinks are suitable for serving at home, office or other outdoor events. Tetra Pak box packaging 350ml

Sold 2 items

฿150 ฿150



BVT 11

TEA PUCUK Harum Jasmine is a tea drink offered by Teh Pucuk with a refreshing jasmine aroma for you. This tea drink is made from quality tea leaves and uses the shoots of the tea leaves to produce the best tea taste. Apart from that, the tea drink offered by Teh Pucuk has the right sweet taste and is not too sweet and not too bitter. This tea drink can be served cold for a more refreshing taste when drunk. 350 ml packaging. #tea #fragrant shoots #fragrant shoots #fragrant jasmine tea #jasmine tea #harum shoots 350ml

Sold 2 items

฿150 ฿150



BVH 08

AMH Super Red Ginger is Red Ginger which is enriched with Habbatussauda, ​​Ginseng, Honey and other herbal ingredients, it is a complete herbal solution and its quality is guaranteed to maintain your body's immune system so that it remains healthy and free from disease. Habbatussauda is believed to be a herbal concoction that can cure various diseases. Drink AMH every day in the morning, afternoon and evening to maintain and increase the body's resistance to avoid virus attacks. The price listed is the price for 1 plan containing 10 sachets Start your day with AMH Super Red Ginger, God willing, you can work and worship optimally today. Herbal ingredients in AMH Super Red Ginger: Red Ginger, Habbatussauda, ​​Ginseng, Honey, Mahkota Dewa, and Secang. Serving Suggestions: - Pour the contents of the sachet into 150 ml of hot water - Mix well - AMH Super Red Ginger is ready to be served - Drink regularly every morning, afternoon and evening to increase body endurance

Sold 1 items

฿250 ฿250



BVM 07

AMH Susu Kambing Etawa Full Cream [Box Susu Kambing Etawa Jahe] Kini tersedia praktis dalam kemasan sachet Tersedia dalam bentuk hanger (@10 pcs) "Bergizi Tinggi dan Mudah di Cerna" Kandungan protein pada susu kambing sangat mirip dengan kandungan ASI, sehingga lebih mudah diserap dan tidak menyebabkan diare. - Cocok dikonsumsi untuk sekeluarga - Cocok untuk orang yang alergi dengan susu sapi - Sumber kalsium, membantu meredakan rematik dan mencegah osteoporosis - Kaya Nutrisi dan baik untuk untuk Kesehatan Tubuh - Kaya Vitamin B, membantu metabolisme tubuh dalam menghasilkan energi - Mengandung Jahe Merah, baik untuk menghangatkan dan menjaga daya tahan tubuh Saran Penyajian : - Larutkan 1 sachet AMH Susu Kambing Etawa Full Cream ke dalam 150 ml air panas - Aduk sampai larut - Konsumsi 2-3x sehari secara rutin untuk mendapatkan manfaat terbaik dari AMH Susu Kambing Etawa Full Cream

Sold 0 items

฿300 ฿300



BVM 06

AMH Susu Kambing Etawa Variant Original [BOX AMH Susu Kambing Etawa Original] Kini tersedia praktis dalam kemasan sachet Tersedia dalam bentuk box (@10 pcs) "Bergizi Tinggi dan Mudah di Cerna" Kandungan protein pada susu kambing sangat mirip dengan kandungan ASI, sehingga lebih mudah diserap dan tidak menyebabkan diare. - Cocok dikonsumsi untuk sekeluarga - Cocok untuk orang yang alergi dengan susu sapi - Sumber kalsium, membantu meredakan rematik dan mencegah osteoporosis - Kaya Nutrisi dan baik untuk Kesehatan Tubuh - Kaya Vitamin B, membantu metabolisme tubuh dalam menghasilkan energi Saran Penyajian : - Larutkan 1 sachet AMH Susu Kambing Etawa Original ke dalam 150 ml air panas - Aduk sampai larut - Konsumsi 2-3x sehari secara rutin untuk mendapatkan manfaat terbaik dari AMH Susu Kambing Etawa Original

Sold 0 items

฿300 ฿300


Best Seller


NutriSari Aneka Rasa Buah Segar @ 10 sachets

Sold 0 items

฿250 ฿250

(Options available)


BVH 07

Coconut Island Drinks is Ready to Drink , drink with premium quality, practical with various variants, with a unique taste combination, refreshing and rich in Vitamin-C. Coconut Island Drinks Lemon Honey Ginger, made from Lemon, Honey, Ginger, Lemongrass and Vitamin C. Can boost the immune system, help detoxify, prevent colds and flu and can lower blood pressure Ingredients : Lemon Honey Ginger Lemongrass Vitamin C Health Benefit : - Rich in Vitamin C - Helps Detoxification - Prevent Cold & Flu - Increase metabolism - Maintain Body immunity Product of Indonesia

Sold 3 items

฿200 ฿200



BVJ 05

NutriVille Grape Can 250 ml is an innovation from collagen drink presented by NutriVille. Collagen drink from NutriVille has a high collagen content which has many benefits such as preventing wrinkles, brightening the skin, skin elasticity, smoothing the skin, fading dark spots, and tightening the skin. Besides being rich in calcium, collagen drinks from NutriVille also contain vitamin C in it which can help maximize the absorption of collagen into the skin. Available in a sweet and throat-soothing grape flavor variant, eliminating unpleasant or boring sensations when drinking collagen. Comes in 250 ml ready-to-drink cans that are ready to be taken anywhere and can be enjoyed anytime. Feel the new sensation of enjoying a collagen drink together with NutriVille Grape Can 250 ml.

Sold 3 items

฿200 ฿200



BVJ 02

NutriVille Lychee Lemon Can 250 ml is an innovation from collagen drinks presented by NutriVille. Collagen drink from NutriVille has a high collagen content which has many benefits such as preventing wrinkles, brightening the skin, skin elasticity, smoothing the skin, fading dark spots, and tightening the skin. Besides being rich in calcium, the collagen drink from NutriVille also contains vitamin C in it which can help maximize the absorption of collagen into the skin. Available with a combination of lychee and lemon flavors that refresh the throat, thus eliminating unpleasant or boring sensations when drinking collagen. Comes in 250 ml ready-to-drink cans that are ready to be taken anywhere and can be enjoyed anytime. Feel the new sensation of enjoying a collagen drink together with NutriVille Lychee Lemon Can 250 ml.

Sold 3 items

฿200 ฿200



BVH 06

Acaraki Golden Sparkling is a new innovation of refreshing herbal drink. This drink is made from turmeric combined with fresh tamarind and soda. Natural ingredients produced directly from organic plantations with guaranteed quality. Packaged in cans, you can drink this drink anywhere. With the natural ingredients contained in it, feel the freshness and benefits in every can! MUI Halal Certification No. 00120035580705 Net : 320 Gram

Sold 3 items

฿250 ฿250




Energen is a practical and nutritious breakfast solution that offers complete nutrition and energy (milk, eggs, cereal, whole grain) for the whole family.

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฿350 ฿350

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BVT 10

Nikmati kehangatan CAP BOTOL Teh Hijau Celup saat santai bersama teman ataupun keluarga Anda. Teh ini dihasilkan dari daun teh hijau pilihan dengan keharuman bunga melati dan rasa pekat yang lebih alami. Kualitasnya yang baik tidak mengandung bahan pengawet ataupun pewarna buatan. Bisa dihidangkan berbagai selera Anda dalam keadaan panas, hangat maupun dingin.

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150



BVC 06

PACKING 1 RINGS 10 SACCHETS PT. SARI INCOFOOD CORPORATION was founded in 1985, is one of the largest instant coffee manufacturers and exporters in Indonesia. PT. SARI INCOFOOD CORPORATION is also one of the pioneers in producing 3 in 1 instant coffee mix and cappuccino in sachets in Indonesia. Indocafe Coffeemix is ​​a pioneer in the '3 in 1' product. namely a mixture of instant coffee, creamer (vegetable cream) and sugar in the right amount, according to consumer tastes and packaged in practical sachets. Indocafe Coffeemix can be served hot or cold, equally deliciousI

Sold 0 items

฿250 ฿250



BVC 03 A

Kopi Luwak White Koffie Original

Sold 0 items

฿250 ฿250

(Options available)


BVT 09 A

Teabag Cap Poci Original & VanillaAll Variants 50gr contents 25 Pcs Variants: - Real Tea - Vanilla Tea Cap Poci Teabags are a perfect blend of the highest grades of fresh tea and jasmine flowers. Premium Jasmine Tea presents a fantastic and delicate taste, and provides the best tea drinking pleasure from sitting in the garden surrounded by jasmine flowers.

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150

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Best Seller

BVH 05

1 x Sido Muncul Minuman Jahe Wangi 5's - Membantu Menghangatkan Badan Sido Muncul Minuman Jahe Wang merupakan jamu yang terbuat dari jahe bakar asli, sehingga menghasilkan aroma dan rasa yang nikmat. Minuman yang paling pas disajikan hangat. Komposisi: Jahe (Zingiber officinale), sereh (cymbopogon citratus), lada putih (piper nigrum), daun pandan, cengkeh. Manfaat: Menjaga kesehatan dan kehangatan tubuh. Perhatian: Baca aturan konsumsi/pemakaian yang tertera pada kemasan produk. No BPOM : BPOM RI MD 270211013039

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150


Best Seller

BVC 05

GOOD DAY CAPPUCINO 1 RENCENG ISI 10 SACHET @25gr Good Day Cappuccino Mau santai atau lagi belajar bareng gank tapi pengen tetap berasa gaul? Cobain Good Day Cappuccino. Bikin kamu semangat sebarin ide baru, happy terus 'n makin gaul. Kopi instant enak? Ya kopi Good Day! Karena hidup banyak rasa, kopi Good Day punya banyak pilihan rasa untuk harimu!

Sold 0 items

฿250 ฿250


Best Seller

BVH 03

Deskripsi: Kunyit Asam merupakan minuman tradisional Indonesia yang bermanfaat untuk menurunkan berat badan dan memperlancar haid. Dikemas dalam bentuk sachet berisi serbuk. Nikmat diminum hangat maupun dingin. Komposisi: Tiap sachet mengandung Kunyit, Asam, Jahe Dosis: Diseduh dengan ± 150 ml air hangat atau dingin Indikasi: Membantu memperlancar datang bulan, mengurangi bau tak sedap, dan menyegarkan badan Perhatian Khusus: - Kemasan: Dus, 5 Sachet

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150


Best Seller

BVT 08

*Tong Tji Green Tea ( Teh Hijau Celup), dibuat dari daun teh hijau pilihan. Produk ini berupa teh celup ( Tea Bag ) dengan amplop untuk tiap celupnya. *Tong Tji Green Tea ( Teh Hijau ) adalah minuman yang ideal dengan aroma floral dan rasa yang halus untuk dinikmati kapan saja. Tong Tji Green Tea ( Teh Hijau ),khusus dipetik hanya daun teh muda nya saja dan kami menjaga kemurniannya untuk kepuasan anda. Produk Tong Tji Green Tea ( Teh Hijau), tersedia dalam kemasan teh celup ataupun teh seduh ( loose tea ). Teh hijau dengan rasa yang lembut untuk anda yang bergaya hidup sehat. *Rasa sepet yang pas, khas green tea dan aroma yang halus *Cara Penyajian : Masukkan 1 teh celup ke dalam cangkir. Tuangkan air panas (80' C ) dan diamkan selama 2-3 menit.

Sold 0 items

฿200 ฿200


Best Seller

BVH 02 A

KIRANTI Minuman Herbal 150ML Kiranti Sehat Datang Bulan ,kiranti ini memiliki kandungan Curcumae Domesticae Rhizoma dengan Curcumin bisa menolong memperlancar haid serta menangani beragam jenis masalah sepanjang anda dalam masa haid seperti rasa nyeri, keputihan, serta bau tubuh dengan efisien. KIRANTI PEGAL LINU (150ML)Dikonsumsi oleh Wanita dewasaKiranti Pegal Linu Minuman Kesehatan [150 mL] merupakan minuman dengan bahan utama jahe pilihan plus madu berkhasiat mengatasi pegal linu meringankan sakit pada persedian dan menghangatkan tubuh, minum pada saat atau setelah beraktivitas. Fitur Produk :Minuman kesehatanDengan bahan utama jahe pilihan plus madu Berkhasiat mengatasi pegal linu meringankan sakit pada persedian dan menghangatkan tubuh Sudah memiliki sertifikasi HALAL dari MUI Melalui proses pateurisasi sehingga tetap tahan lama meskipun tanpa bahan pengawet

Sold 0 items

฿120 ฿120

(Options available)

Best Seller

BVT 07

Nikmati Hangatnya Secangkir Teh Sariwangi Kurang lengkap rasanya apabila menikmati kudapan favorit tanpa ditemani dengan secangkir teh hangat. Tidak perlu repot atau pergi jauh ke restoran-restoran mahal jika hanya ingin ngeteh atau sekedar minum kopi. Karena dirumah pun Anda tetap bisa menikmatinya. Asalkan sebelumnya Anda sudah menyiapkan persediaan teh celup Sariwangi. Bukan hanya soal rasa dan aroma teh sariwangi yang khas, tapi cara penyajiannya pun mudah dan cepat karena dalam setiap kotak sudah dikemas dalam beberapa kantong teh siap saji

Sold 3 items

฿120 ฿120


Best Seller

BVJ 01

Jungle Juice Sirsak / Soursop 1000ml Jungle Juice Sirsak terbuat dari sumber bahan baku konsentrat buah terbaik yaitu Philipina. Tanpa pengawet, tanpa pewarna dan mengandung antioksidan. Mencegah infeksi saluran kemih, sembelit dan kram kaki.

Sold 0 items

฿500 ฿500


Best Seller

BVT 05 B

Teh Cap Botol

Sold 0 items

฿80 ฿80

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Best Seller


Teh Tong Tji

Sold 4 items

฿150 ฿150

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Best Seller

BVT 02

Teh Sosro Celup 30 Kantong

Sold 1 items

฿150 ฿150


Best Seller

BVC 01 B

SPECIAL COFFEE KAPAL API 165 gram & 380 gram Kapal Api Special Pure Coffee ( no sugar ) is instant ground coffee from Kapal Api made from selected coffee beans and processed using modern technology to produce fragrant and delicious coffee. The special taste and aroma of Kapal Api Kopi Special provides a special sensation of drinking premium coffee with an easy and practical presentation.

Sold 1 items

฿150 ฿150

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Best Seller

BVT 01 A

Teh Botol is an Indonesian drink produced by the company Sosro and is sold worldwide. Teh Botol literally means bottled tea in Indonesian. It is a sweetened jasmine tea and it is usually served cold. In addition, Sosro also sells the tea in the Tetra Pak and plastic bottle packaging.

Sold 2 items

฿80 ฿80

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Best Seller

BVS 02 A

Sirup Tjampolay. Sirup legendaris Cirebon sejak 1936 Terbuat dari gula asli. Tersedia Aneka Rasa : 1. Pisang Susu 2. Lychee (READY) 3. Mangga Gedong. 4. Eozen Roos 5. Koffie Mocca 6. Asam Jeruk 7. STRAWBERRY 8. Durian 9. Jeruk Nipis 10. Peach 11. Cocopandan 12. Melon 13. Kopyor 14. Sirsak 15 Jambu

Sold 0 items

฿450 ฿450

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