
Best Seller

CN 82

MAKASSAR SPICY SAMBAL 220 ml Makassar is famous for its spicy yellow orange chili sauce. Amazingly Spicy Sambal!!! he's a spicy champion indeed. very suitable for friends to eat meatball noodles or fried food.

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฿400 ฿400


Best Seller

SNK 116A

Ancovy & Peanuts Rempeyek or peyek is a deep-fried savoury Indonesian-Javanese cracker made from flour (usually rice flour) with other ingredients, bound or coated by crispy flour batter.

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฿250 ฿250

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Best Seller

CN 15A

MUNIK SAMBAL 245GR PRODUCT OF INDONESIA Salah satu varian dari bestseller .Sambal Bajak, Sambal Penyet , Sambal Ijo , Sambal Belacan jadi cara mudah punya sajian ala restoran di rumah. Cocok disantap bersama tahu, tempe, ayam goreng atau lalapan, tinggal tambahkan sambal penyet dan tekankan ke lauk untuk meresap sempurna. Citarasa segar, pedas, dan lezat siap menemani hidangan Anda. Bebas dari ekstrak dan pewarna buatan, seluruh sambal Munik menjadi solusi MUdah dan NIKmat yang wajib ada di dapur setiap ibu pintar. Menggunakan bahan alami pilihan yang asli, segar dan cocok untuk lidah Indonesia, sambal Munik juga tahan lama sesuai instruksi penyimpanannya, bercitarasa khas, wangi penuh aroma dan higienis serta halal dalam setiap pembuatannya. Sambal ala restoran, cuma Sambal Munik juaranya.

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฿400 ฿400

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Best Seller

SNK 115

Crispy premium dried basreng with a distinctive mackerel taste, high quality spiciness, and guaranteed to be tough. The packaging is light and practical, you can really take it anywhere

Sold 1 items

฿120 ฿120



SNK 112

Kerupuk Mie Kuning Kecil Mentah /raw small yellow crackers 300 gram #kerupukasinan

Sold 0 items

฿350 ฿350


Best Seller

SNK 111

Kerupuk Ikan Tenggiri Palembang / Mackerel fish crackers 200 gram Mackerel fish crackers or Palembang crackers with a delicious and savory fish taste, made from selected ingredients, taste delicious and crunchy.

Sold 0 items

฿350 ฿350



DRS 08

Jambal Salted Fish, Jambal Fish or also known as Manyung fish, very much in demand for many people because the meat is thick and the texture of soft meat, very suitable processed as both dry and berkuah cuisine. Jambal salted fish is suitable to be eaten with sambel trasi.

Sold 0 items

฿500 ฿500



DRS 07

Ikan Asin Peda Merah / Salted Mackerel Fish 250 gram

Sold 0 items

฿400 ฿400


Best Seller

SNK 110

Chitato Spicy Grilled Beef (Beef Editions) menawarkan kenikmatan maksimal rasa saus bumbu bakar khas sapi iga bakar. Potongan kentang wavy mengunci bumbu-bumbu untuk berikan bold flavors yang jadikan sensasi nendang di mulut. Cocok dinikmati sendiri, lebih asik disantap berramai-ramai saat nongkrong bersama.

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150


Best Seller

SNK 109

Chitato terbuat dari kentang segar yang diiris bergelombang dan dibumbuhi dengan bumbu dari seluruh dunia. Keripik kentang CHITATO dengan beef barbeque. Dibuat dari kentang berkualitas yang menghasilkan rasa gurih. Renyahnya keripik menyatu dengan taburan bumbu spesial. Life is never flat.

Sold 0 items

฿300 ฿300



CN 81

Origin: Indonesia This Sago Pearl is made from pearl sago or sago pearl, which is a food shaped like small balls made from sago flour. This round and transparent shape makes it called a pearl. Pearl sago is usually sold in dry form. After cooking, it will turn into chewy, sticky and sticky granules, usually made into porridge.

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฿200 ฿200



CN 80

Sajiku® Multipurpose Seasoning Flour is made from a combination of flour and selected spices, which makes your fried food crispy and delicious in a practical way. Sajiku® Multipurpose Seasoned Flour can be used to fry various types of dishes such as chicken, fish, shrimp, tofu, vegetables, etc. 1 pack of Sajiku® Multipurpose Seasoning Flour 220g is suitable for 1 kg of fried chicken. Discover the deliciousness of other Sajiku® Tepung Bumbu variants such as Crispy Bakwan, Crispy Golden, Spicy Versatile, Crispy Tempeh and Crispy Banana

Sold 0 items

฿220 ฿220



CN 80 A

Bumbu Pecel Bu Broto

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฿300 ฿300

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SNK 107

Antangin Herbal Candy is a herbal candy formulated with a combination of quality natural ingredients such as ginger and ginseng extracts, peppermint and honey. In one bag of Herbal Candy Antangin there are 3 different flavors including Honey Mint Flavor, Barley Mint Flavor, and Mocha Mint Flavor. Herbal Candy Mint helps warm the body, soothes the throat, and helps prevent nausea during travel.

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150




Indomie Mie Goreng Jumbo

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฿80 ฿80

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Best Seller

CN 79

Sambal Extra Spicy Indofood chili sauce, gives more spiciness that can also be consumed with any cuisine, especially when it comes to noodles, fried foods or fried rice. #indonesianfoodinbangkok #indonesianfood #indonesiahalalproductinbangkok #indonesianhalalproduct #halal # bangkok #tokoindo #indonesianshopinbangkok #tokoindodibangkok #indofoodsambalextrapedas #indofood #extrahotchillisauce #indofoodsambal #waroenganni

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150


Best Seller

CN 78

ABC Multipurpose Peanut Sauce, the convenience of enjoying peanut sauce that you never imagined before, namely ready-to-use peanut sauce, no need to dilute it with water. - Made from selected nuts and spices for a balanced combination of umami, sweet and spicy flavors - The texture is creamy, complete with the sensation of peanut pieces - Suitable as a topping, dip and mixture - Delicious for various types of everyday food such as pastel, bakwan, siomay, batagor and nasi uduk / nasi lemak / coconut rice

Sold 0 items

฿250 ฿250


Best Seller

CN 77

Indofood Spicy Sambal Dahsyat has a very spicy taste, spicier than similar chili sauces and is suitable for enriching the taste of various kinds of food, either as a dipping sauce, mixed as a topping, or as a seasoning for cooking. With the Powerful Spicy Indofood Sambal, any food can be more appetizing without being complicated, it's automatic! This is the first chili sauce in Indonesia made from Habanero chilies, one of the hottest chilies in the world! Combined with selected herbs and spices, the chili sauce tastes yumm... incredibly spicy and very addictive!

Sold 1 items

฿150 ฿150


Best Seller

NOD 17 A

Kalo Blekping jadi idolanya ABG masa kini, Pop Mie tuh idolanya sobi-sobi Pop Mie. Cuma seduh 3 menit, rasa asiknya yang udah ikrib di lidah kita dijamin bikin main lo jadi ajaib lagi!

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฿100 ฿100

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NOD 25

Mie Sedaap Goreng 90 gr contains 5 pcs Sedaap Mie Goreng is one of the superior variants of Mie Sedaap with more fried onions sprinkled on it. The texture of the noodles which are more chewy and don't soften quickly will produce more pleasure in your mouth. Enriched with 7 vitamins, it is also produced and processed hygienically under the strict supervision of experts, resulting in a premium taste in a practical dish.

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฿200 ฿200



CN 76

ABC Sambal Terasi Pouch 180 g dihasilkan dari cabai pilihan dan terasi berkualitas sehingga dapat  menghadirkan rasa pedas yang panas seperti sambal rumahan yang dimasak dengan cinta. Selain itu, racikan terasi yang pas menambah gairah dalam menyatap makanan kesukaan anda. Nikmati setiap hidangan resep Indonesia dengan rasa pedas yang panas dari ABC Sambal Terasi dan hangatkan momen santap Anda bersama keluarga tercinta. Hadir dalam kemasan jar kaca isi 180 gram.

Sold 0 items

฿300 ฿300


Best Seller

SNK 108

Garuda Rosta adalah kacang salut yang dipanggang dengan oven, bukan digoreng. Kacangnya yang renyah berbalut dengan tasa pedas yang pasti kamu suka. Nikmati Rosta dan sensasi renyahnya sekarang.

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150


Best Seller

SNK 107 A

• Snack Garuda pilus • Cocok untuk dinikmati bersama soto, bakso, mie, sayur, bubur, dan makanan kesukaan Anda lainnya • Pas untuk camilan saat-saat santai Anda

Sold 0 items

฿120 ฿120

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Best Seller

CN 75

1 botol berisi 110 g Baik dikonsumsi sebelum 10 bulan dari waktu produksi, jika botol sudah dibuka hanya mampu bertahan 1 minggu disuhu ruang. Saran: Gunakan sendok kering dan bersih saat mengambil sambal Sambal Bawang kemasan botol dari bahan baku pilihan dan diolah dengan proses yang aman dan higienis. Sambal Bawang kemasan botol bisa disajikan dengan makanan rumahan Bagi kalian yang suka masak, sambal bawang kemasan botol bisa aplikasikan juga ke menu masakan So buruan diorderrrrrr #LITTLEDRAGONCHILI#LITTLEDRAGON#SAMBALSACHET#SAMBALASLI#SAMBALENAK#SAMBALPEDAS#SAMBALPRAKTIS

Sold 1 items

฿350 ฿350


Best Seller

CN 74

Sold 0 items

฿250 ฿250


Best Seller

CN 73

ABC Original Sambal 22 sachets x 8 g Original Sambal Sambal ABC is made from selected chilies that are picked and packaged instantly for a super spicy taste! Sambal ABC is made from selected high quality fresh chilies. The delicious spicy sensation and the right texture make Sambal ABC an irreplaceable chili sauce. Sambal ABC, the number one choice for Indonesian families, because whatever choice you make, all krezi dishes are delicious More spicy than other chili sauce Made from selected fresh chilies (picked to pack for a maximum of 51 hours) Sambal No. 1 Indonesian Family Choice

Sold 0 items

฿250 ฿250


Best Seller

CN 71A

ABC 135 ml & 275 ml Hot Spicy Sweet Soy Sauce,from ABC Heinz - Indonesia. ABC Spicy Ketchup contains the perfect combination of sweet soy sauce with chilli choice. With the original ingredients of cayenne pepper proven with grains of chili seeds in ABC products Ketap Extra Spicy added to the sweetness of soy sauce, suitable to be a friend to eat in any occasion.

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฿150 ฿150

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Best Seller


Richeese nabati mengeluarkan inovasi baru MIE INSTAN DENGAN RASA UNIK perpaduan Mie pedas dan original dengan tambahan Saus Keju yang luar biasa Segera dapatkan dan rasakan sensasi baru MIE DENGAN SAUS KEJU dari Richeese Nabati JADILAH ORANG PERTAMA MERASAKAN MIE DENGAN SAUS KEJU FENOMENAL

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฿40 ฿40

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CN 72

Kobe Tepung Ayam Kentucky Super Crispy 200gr Mau tahu tepung ayam goreng mana yang terbukti paling crispy? Ini dia jawabannya: KOBE Super Crispy. Berdasarkan riset, 7 dari 10 ibu memilih KOBE Super Crispy dibandingkan tepung bumbu lainnya, karena hasil gorengannya yang lebih renyahan.* KOBE SuperCrispy memang diformulasikan khusus untuk menghasilkan ayam goreng yang paling renyah. Rasanya pun pasti lezat dan pas berbumbu. Tidak hanya itu kelebihan KOBE Tepung Super Crispy, hasil gorengan KOBE Tepung Super Crispy juga akan tahan kerenyahannya hingga 8 jam. Jadi, untuk membuat ayam goreng crispy yang renyah, pas berbumbu dan tahan renyahnya hingga 8 jam, pastikan untuk selalu menggunakan KOBE Tepung Super Crispy. Bagaimana caranya? Sangat mudah, pastikan untuk mengikuti petunjuk kemasan dalam pembuatannya. Celupkan ayam kedalam adonan basah kemudian gulingkan dalam tepung kering sambil dicubit ringan supaya tepung menempel maksimal. Buktikan sendiri kerenyahan dan kelezatan tepung ayam goreng pilihan ibu Indonesia.

Sold 0 items

฿200 ฿200



DRS 06

Baby Cumi rebus kering 76 % / Baby cumi basah fresh Tanpa bahan pengawet dan pewarna diolah secara higienis Kemasan : Kemasan Vakum aman untuk menyimpan produk makanan Penyimpanan : Produk di simpan di Lemari Pendingin / Freezer untuk menjaga kesegaran produk.

Sold 0 items

฿400 ฿400


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